

The Fiance's off with friends so I am home, having some fun of my own...um, blogging....

Okay, my life is not the most exciting, but I do have some positives to discuss. First, I had a volunteer "opportunity" - it's not work, it's an "opportunity" - at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum annual plant sale. I worked as a cashier's assistant and then at plant pick-up, which is a coat-check system for plant shoppers who want to continue to shop or need to bring their cars around for loading. It would have been a fantastically good time except that it was probably 40 or colder with the constantly gusting wind chill. I was miserable. Then, on only two days' notice, I had to show up at my bartending job (not my usual night to work), which was fine because it was warm. I was so exhausted after 8 hours out in the cold (and did I mention that I worked the night before, so I only got 5 hours of fitful sleep, due to thrashing winds?) and was therefore afraid I'd snap, and unleash my exhausted fury on a co-worker or customer. I didn't, though, and that is more a credit to the nice people I work with and the nice clientele than it is a credit to me, though I am pretty nice too, most of the time.

I may have been a bit short with my sister, though, who has been discussing wedding colors and bridesmaid/flower girl dresses with me (she's a bridesmaid, her 6 year old Miss C is a flower girl). I was too tired and confused to talk dresses at the end of the day, so I hope I didn't sound too awful and negative, but I probably did. But a new week begins tomorrow, and with it, a new chance to register for fantastic wedding gifts (why is this less fun than it sounds??), a new chance to find my wedding dress fabric (in case of failure, break seal on credit card and buy a damn ready-made dress!), a new chance to find someone to marry us (did I not mention that shortcoming in our Big Wedding Plans??? Actually, I think I did!).

I've updated the book list to the right. Good stuff now, so check it out! My main book right now is Unfinished Desires, somewhat of a mystery the way it is set up...deep dark secrets, etc. Poseidon's Steed is research for a novel I will someday, God Willing, write. And Say You're One of Them is another in a series of recently (deservedly) popular books out of native African writers...well written, populated by figures that jump off the page with their human-ness, and quite foreign, which gives me a chance to learn about the world I am economically limited from exploring at this particular time. And I am still basking in the afterglow of having finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay...new book soon, please Mr. Chabon!

All is well in the world for now. I hope for the same for you, my readers.

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